Setting up Custom Domain
You can link your custom domain to your VidFlow Client Galleries in a few quick steps.
If you have not purchased a domain, you can purchase one from a 3rd-party domain provider such as GoDaddy, Squarespace, Google Domains or other domain providers.
For On-Demand customers, the White-labeling Add-on is required.
Step 1 - Log into your domain provider / DNS host
Note: Do not delete any MX records during this process. MX records manage your email address. Deleting them will interrupt your email service.
Step 2 - Create a CNAME record
- Type or Record Type - CNAME
- Host, Name or Alias - Enter a subdomain name of your choice.
- Points To or Value/Data: (Enter exactly as shown here in bold)
- TTL - 1 Hour (or the minimum required)
- client -
- gallery -
- galleries - (shown below)
- videos -
Adding a CNAME record if your domain is registered on:
Step 3 - Update your VidFlow Custom Domain
Log into your VidFlow Account and follow these steps:
1. Click on the Company Settings button (located on the top left) > Domain Settings
2. On the Domain Settings page, enter the same domain URL you created (e.g.,, and in the space highlighted and click Save Domain
3. A message is displayed to confirm that all the steps above have been completed. Click on Verify (after completing Step 1 and Step 2)
4. A setup process is initiated. You can review the status update by clicking on the Check Status button.
5. Once your Custom domain is active, it will show Active status.
Note: DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate across the entire internet.