Setting up Custom Domain

You can link your custom domain to your VidFlow Client Galleries in a few quick steps.

If you have not purchased a domain, you can purchase one from a 3rd-party domain provider such as GoDaddy, Squarespace, Google Domains or other domain providers.

For On-Demand customers, the White-labeling Add-on is required.

Step 1 - Log into your domain provider / DNS host

Log into the dashboard where your domain or DNS is hosted, and go to your DNS settings. This may be called Zone File Settings, Manage Domains, Domain Manager, DNS Manager or something along those lines.

Note: Do not delete any MX records during this process. MX records manage your email address. Deleting them will interrupt your email service.

Step 2 - Create a CNAME record

Add a new CNAME record. You'll typically see the following fields for the CNAME record you are creating:
  • Type or Record Type - CNAME
  • Host, Name or Alias  - Enter a subdomain name of your choice.
  • Points To or Value/Data: (Enter exactly as shown here in bold)
  • TTL - 1 Hour (or the minimum required)


  • client -
  • gallery -
  • galleries - (shown below)
  • videos -

Adding a CNAME record if your domain is registered on:

Step 3 - Update your VidFlow Custom Domain

Log into your VidFlow Account and follow these steps:

1. Click on the Company Settings button (located on the top left) > Domain Settings

2. On the Domain Settings page, enter the same domain URL you created (e.g.,, and in the space highlighted and click Save Domain

3.  A message is displayed to confirm that all the steps above have been completed. Click on Verify (after completing Step 1 and Step 2)

4.  A setup process is initiated. You can review the status update by clicking on the  Check Status button.

5. Once your Custom domain is active, it will show Active status.

Note: DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate across the entire internet.

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