Using Mobile Gallery Apps

For On-Demand customers, the White-labeling Add-on is required.

Saving your Gallery as an App

You can now offer each of your clients their own Mobile Gallery App, accessible right from their home-screen. Available on both iOS and Android, gallery mobile and provide a full-screen native viewing experience. 

If enabled, clients will see a prompt to add their gallery to their device home screen when opening their video gallery.

In this article:

Enabling Option for Clients

Installing on iPhone or iPad

Installing on Android

Enabling for Clients

You can choose to enable or disable the option on a per-gallery basis. To access this option:

  • Navigate to the 'Settings' tab in the left sidebar
  • Scroll down to 'Mobile Gallery App' section, and make sure the switch is enabled

Mobile Gallery Apps are only supported with English alphabet gallery titles.

Installing on iPhone or iPad:

  • Tap the share button within your browser
  • In the Share Menu > Add to Home Screen > Add
  • Your Gallery App will be added to your home scree.

Installing on Android:

  • Open your VidFlow video gallery, preferably in Chrome browser. 
  • You will be prompted with a 'Add to Home Screen' banner. 
  • Tap the  'Add to Home Screen' button, and this will open the Install app prompt.
  • Click 'Install' and the app will be installed to your Apps. 
  • You can then access it via your Apps list as a native gallery app.

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